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Create e-learning content in a matter of days, not weeks. The ToolBook line of desktop authoring tools is easy to use, powerful and flexible to meet the varying demands of your online content needs. ToolBook includes features ranging from a drag-and-drop environment with libraries of assets to sophisticated automation features that reduce development time. With ToolBook, users can meet tight deadlines while delivering high quality content.

More than 13,000 companies worldwide have chosen ToolBook as their e-learning authoring tool of choice, making it the de facto standard for those serious about creating powerful training and software simulation content.

Use ToolBook to create a wide range of elearning applications, from Regulatory Compliance Training, to Sales Force readiness, Software simulations, Quizzes, Assessments and much more…

When selecting the right tool for the job, seasoned developers, non-technical and occasional users have different needs, often resulting in organizations choosing multiple tools. We know that selecting the right tool for the job can be critical to your job, and so the ToolBook team has designed two desktop authoring products to address the unique needs of your organization.

ToolBook Assistant

  • Non-technical subject matter experts and business line managers can quickly create e-learning programs. Features like the drag-and-drop environment eliminate the need for any programming and enable fast and easy creation of online content.

ToolBook Instructor

  • Seasoned content developers, training managers, trainers, and instructional designers achieve optimal authoring productivity with a tool that is easy to use, powerful and extensible. ToolBook Instructor incorporates the features of ToolBook Assistant and adds a number of additional capabilities including automation features, the ability to create high-quality software simulations and advanced scripting capabilities for a more flexible and sophisticated authoring solution.

Key capabilities included with ToolBook Instructor and not available in ToolBook Assistant include the ability to:

  • Record and edit software application simulations quickly and easily.
  • Include advanced interactive behavior with the Actions Event system.
  • Leverage the capabilities of JavaScript or HTTP Post.
  • Provide your authors with an extended ToolBook application with custom tools and objects.
  • Create draw objects for reuse by your authors.
    Automate authoring tasks to eliminate redundant tasks.
  • Secure course access with password protection.
    Create Windows content and applications using the integrated scripting environment.

ToolBook Instructor and ToolBook Assistant work together seamlessly enabling authoring teams to use both products in a single project. Create custom catalogs, tools and other authoring productivity aids with ToolBook Instructor and use in either ToolBook Assistant or ToolBook Instructor.

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